Sunday, April 25, 2010

Up to Speed

Well, since Hannah was born, we have gone through some of our firsts, both good and bad. Hannah has issues with acid reflux, so the beginning 3 months or so was filled with lots of sleepless nights. Hannah had her nights and days mixed up, but has since corrected that, although tonight has me feeling a little nostalgic as it is 12:30am and she is still awake talking and playing. (At least she is not crying!) Here is a list of her firsts that come to mind that have happened in the last 4 months.
First sleep through the night (and in just the amount of time it took me to write that, 12:33 and Hannah is asleep!)
First bath (glad that happened within the first 4 months!)
First snow
First Christmas, New Years, and Easter and both Mommy and Daddy's birthdays
First smile
First coo
First laugh
First Superbowl (she is definitely a Colts fan already!)
First rollover front to back and back to front
First shots
First road trip (several actually)
First allergies
First trip to the beach
First time to sit up-still slumping forward after a couple of seconds though
First job (Hannah gets to come with me to my part time job at a friend's florist shop. She is the prettiest flower there!)

Hannah has always preferred to stand rather than to sit or be cradled. She is now jumping a lot whether it be on your lap or in her excersaucer or jumperoo.
She always has her middle and her ring finger (not that I am pushing that at her age...although I have already started praying for the man that will one day place one on her finger!)
She is a very happy baby, but because she can go from happy to miserable within seconds, I have a hunch that she has already begun teething.
She is very intelligent...she knows what buttons to push and which butterfly to hit on the excersaucer to make the music play. She is very chatty and has now begun to shriek with excitement. This has brought the same reaction from me. It is so cute!!!

John's 28th surprise birthday party

First smiles

First snow (actually second, but I took pictures with this one)

First Superbowl

First trip to the beach
Sitting up unassisted for the first time
One of our first days at work
Her favorite place to put her fingers

A few recent videos

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