Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Almost Crawling!!!

Hannah is almost crawling. She was on the bed today with John in the room (of course I was absent for this)...and she "crawled" a couple hands distance...lucky John...I video her 23 hours a day and manage to miss the almost "magical" moment. Well, tomorrow we are not working, so I am going to keep that video camera rolling!
Hannah is getting ready for our first long road trip. We are driving with my parents to Colorado in two weeks to see some family and John will be flying up for one of the weekends. She does fairly well traveling, so hopefully she will enjoy this trip. Of course
, I am going to try and get a bunch of fun pics in the mountains.
She is so smart...just watching her play entertains me. She grabs A LOT...whether it be your necklace, beard, or cliff bar...we were at work this week and she got a hold
of my bag and out came my half eaten cliff bar. Well, I had left the room for a moment, and
my boss walks in to see Hannah gnawing on it with crumbs on her cheek. N
eedless to say, that is not the first food I wanted to introduce her to! As far as feeding goes, the pediatrician recommended we hold off on cereal until 6 months, so we haven't rushed it.
She did have her first real sickness. She was running a fever of 102 and eventually 104 and after a trip to the doctor and some tests, we found out she had a urinary tract infection. No fun for her. She was very irritable. But, since she has been on the meds, she is much happier. Yea!!! She is teething now, as her first front tooth finally poked its way through. She chews on
everything and has even experimented with the toes.
Well, here are some pics to amuse you.

Fun at work with the green pillow...

Hannah's first swimsuit (still hasn't been in the pool yet
Fun in her exersaucer
Hanging out with Sissy...I think they are almost equal in size!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

5 Months Old and Her First Shindig!

Well, Hannah turned 5 months old yesterday! What a big girl! She is now getting up on all fours and rocks in place and then topples over. We expect that she will start to crawl any time now. This weekend she got to wear her new dress that mommy made her and she was the life of the party! We are all exhausted from the set up and tear down so I will just leave you with some pics.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dress #2- a Success!

So I made my second attempt at dressmaking and by all means, I am no expert, but I managed to make a dress that fits Hannah that she can wear to the grand opening of my work Lilium this weekend. I made it a bit bigger than the last one and this one actually slips over Hannah's head. All I have left to do is sew on the button on the back slit. Not too shabby! Actually, more like shabby chic. If anyone would like one...don't ask me, because I am not sure that I could ever re-create this misasterpiece. (disaster turned masterpiece). I wonder if this is how Picaso felt when he finished his paintings. It was almost like driving to work and only after arriving, you question how you even got there. Well, I also included some more picnic pics of Hannah playing out on our porch. Enjoy!

Dress #1 that didn't fit

Beginning of dress #2

Viola! All finished!

Isn't she the cutest little model??!!!

I still have to sew on the button to close the top slit.

Some pics outside

Monday, May 10, 2010

Outing at the park

Hannah and I had our first lunch in the park today after celebrating our first mommy's day. (John took us to my FAVORITE restaurant!) We got to visit some very ornery geese and had our own little photo shoot on our picnic blanket. She is so funny...she smiles for the camera and makes such sweet faces. She is getting quite a personality. We are still cereal feeding once a day, after the doc told us not to (her opinion). But Hannah seems to sleep better with it and that is good for everyone! She had her 4 1/2 month check up last week and is up to 12 pounds 3 ounces! She is not so dependent on her acid reflux meds now, which is good considering her prescription is almost $200! What a killing those insurance people are making! Anyhow, we just made a trip down to Livingston last week for the first time for a funeral of my friend's grandparent. Hannah ate all of the attention up!
She is playing with her feet now and she is very active. Her legs are really strong and she has attempted to get in the crawl formation, but only rocks and falls over on her side. I am thinking about signing her up for swim lessons since summer is around the corner. We will be off to Colorado for our first real vacation next month. I have to start working on another dress for Hannah for my work's grand opening this weekend. Hopefully, I will do better with this one!
Well, here are a few pics from our outing today. I love our camera, makes for fun pics!

Big smile!Here are my toes

"I love you"

I love you too, Hannahbear.


so cute!


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hanging out with Sissy

Hannah finally learned how to pet Sissy our cat the other day. She pet her for a while, and then began to pull her fur...which apparently made Sissy uncomfortable because she took off. We just recently found out that Sissy has a massive lump that cannot be removed without extensive surgery. We don't know if it is cancerous or not, so we are just enjoying her while she is here, but we are praying for many more years with her so Hannah can learn to pull her tail and dress her in baby clothes. (She will love that, I am sure!) Here is a video of her first petting session.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A new dress for Hannah

So, my work, Lillium, is having a grand opening this month, and I wanted to make Hannah a dress for the big so happens that Hannah's bedding colors are the same colors of the flower shop and so I decided to use the leftover fabric from her bedding to make her dress. When it comes to sewing I am fairly un-experienced and stubborn. I don't want to use patters (partly because I don't know how to, and partly because I don't want to be limited by a pattern.) Anyhow, I should have known, as once I completed the dress, it didn't fit little Hannah. I will have to save it for some cute preemie or newborn. However, I am going to try it again and make it a little larger this time. Anyhow, for those of you who want to see what I did and how it turned out, here are some pics. I bought some different black material and some hot pink to make another dress too. We will see how the second lime green one and the pink one turn out.