Monday, November 15, 2010

11 Months and Counting...

Can't believe Hannah is almost a year! It seems like it has been forever but like yesterday when she first joined the Parsons' family. Today we went out for pics as usual and she is much more mobile and less interested in posing for the camera. Last week she stood up on her own and about two weeks ago she took her first steps, but since last week, she stopped both. I guess she was just teasing me! At any rate, we finally child proofed the cabinets so she can't get into any dangerous stuff! She loves to play with the diaper caddy in the living room, pulling out all of the diapers. She likes to climb in and sit in all of her toy boxes. She is so smart. She claps, high fives, waves, plays peek-a-boo, and takes things OUT of her mouth when I ask her what is in her mouth and hands them to me!
We went down to Houston this past weekend and she got to see her cousins, Aunties and Uncles, and her Gaga and Papa. It was a fun filled weekend for her. She was so content was really sweet. We are planning her birthday party...our theme is Giraffes in Tutus. She loves giraffes and we have been hanging on to a tutu that her great Auntie Linda (bobblehead) bought her to wear for her party. It should be lots of fun! We will spend Thanksgiving with my family again so we will be back to Houston for a day since John has to work. I am looking forward to the pictures that will come out of that. Here are a couple of pics from today and a video of her standing.