Saturday, December 11, 2010

Hannah's Giraffes in Tutus Birthday Party

Today we celebrated Hannah's first year with a Giraffes in Tutus party. She was joined by all of my family and 5 of her little girl friends as well as some friends from church. We had lots of "giraffe" snacks and sweet treats. We took some really fun pictures and played games. Hannah had her first cupcake and loved it...she rubbed it through her hair and we had to dip her in the bath afterwards! Not too long after, she was a party pooper and fell asleep. We finished off the party with a video collaboration of Hannah's cutest moments. We had a great time! Here are some pics from the party.
this was actually after her cupcake and bath
the blanket I made for Hannah for her birthday
Silly faces
chocolate skin treatment
this was the reason for a bath!
yummy cupcakes with the cute toppers from Krystina! SOOO cute!
Lots of "giraffe" snacks like lettuce wraps and ants on a log
Hannah's cupcake
playing hot potato
Eisley and the giraffes
Mattea and Hannah
Aleisha and Aubrey
cute in her tutu from Auntie Bobblehead Linda
Happy family
a little too much fun in the tutu
Hannah with her cousins Zoe and Izzy
the invitation- designed by Krystina Evans (I loved this part of the planning)
Thanks Krystina!
Love you Hannah!
Happy Birthday Hannahbear!
what a big girl!
Yea, she's one!!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Almost 1 Year Old!

Hannah is officially walking and almost running. It is so cute to see her tiny little body walking around the house while she babbles. She is a doll and I can't thank the Lord enough for giving her to us. We are getting ready for her first birthday party on the 11th. Our theme is "giraffes in tutus". We had a friend design the invite and I have been all over town collecting giraffe print items for the party and making tutus for all her giraffe friends. My parents are coming up from Corpus to celebrate as well as one of her aunties.
Hannah also celebrated her first Thanksgiving. She had a great time hanging out with her little cousins and all of the puppies running around. Here are a couple of photos from Thanksgiving as well as couple of videos of her on her feet dancing, walking, and babbling.