Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy 8 Months!

How she has grown... I think I have heard 2 "mama"s out of her, but not sure if they are really referring to me yet. We did a little Glamour Shots promotion to enter her into a contest which friends and family will have to vote on...we picked a picture that had Hannah as a little angel with wings...too cute! My prediction is that she will be standing on her own, possibly walking, and saying mama and dada by the end of the month. She is so smart and observant. We had our little 8 month photo shoot today so here are some pics that we took. I am so blessed to have Hannah as my daughter. I know that the Lord has a beautiful plan for her life, and I am so thankful to be a part of that plan. Children really are our inheritance from the Lord! -Psalm 127:3.

Love this she is worshipping the Lord.

a cool park in Dallas

Monday, August 9, 2010

Well...Hannah is growing I am missing her tininess already. She is now sleeping in her crib and I think last night was the longest she ever went without waking up. (12:30am- 10:00am!) She is eating more and has started on the little finger puffs. It is so cute to watch her pick them up and stuff them in her mouth. John and I took Hannah down to Houston for our third year anniversary and she stayed with my sister for the first time overnight. In fact, it was the first time we both were away from her for any amount of time. She did ok during the day, but cried pretty much all night long. It was rough for my sister, but we had a great time! I also had a conference to attend a week later and Hannah stayed with our friend Debbie from church for two days and one night in the nursery. She did great! Hannah loves making new friends and there are always people in and out of Debbie's house, so she had fun! She is still crawling, but pulling herself up very easily and is walking around furniture. She is also using her little walking toy and getting much better at assisted walking. We went to my parents last week before John started his new job and got to take Hannah to the beach. She enjoyed playing in the shallow water and riding in her Cars float. Here are a couple of pictures.

Playing at Gaga and Papa's

playing in the pool at Gaga's

Rockport beach

First time to play in the sand